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How to be Lovely by Melissa Hellstern

how to be lovely by melissa hellstern on a wicker tray - book review | book book bitch

Published by Dutton on 03 Jun 2004
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On many occasions, Audrey Hepburn was approached to pen her autobiography, the definitive book of Audrey, yet she never agreed. A beloved icon who found success as an actress, a mother, and a humanitarian, Audrey Hepburn perfected the art of gracious living.

More philosophy than biography, How to Be Lovely revisits the many interviews Audrey gave over the years, allowing us to hear her voice directly on universal topics of concern to women the world over: careers, love lives, motherhood, and relationships. Enhanced by rarely seen photographs, behind-the-scenes stories, and insights from the friends who knew her well, How to Be Lovely uncovers the real Audrey, in her own words.

This is a collection of Audrey Hepburn quotes that are loosely themed and grouped into chapters. The quotes sometimes get a bit repetitive and don't impart particularly revelational wisdom. But being her namesake, I'll always have a soft spot for Audrey.

This is not a personal development book so much as a tribute to Audrey. I learned about how ordinary Audrey thought herself as. How she doubted herself. How she happened upon film. How it was always only a job for her. How she didn't care for the fame or even believe that she had any. How she suffered as a child during WWII. How children gave her life meaning. How giving she was. How she utilised her platform to become a humanitarian and improve the lives of children less fortunate.

I also enjoyed all the photographs.
